Thursday, March 11, 2010

Train Wreck

Here is a Poem I wrote called "Train wreck."

Day turns to night.
Night turns to day.
All days blur together now that you are gone.

You run through my mind like a run away train.
Every time I try and stop you...
There is only wreckage in the end.

I wake up with tears spilling down my face.
This empty hole that did not exist before.
You took everything when you left.

My heart skips a beat at the mention of your name.
The pain of loneliness clenches my chest.
Making breathing more unbearable.

The dreams awakening me reaching for you.
To only know the dream was true.
You really are gone.

Off with someone else.
Happy without me.
I wish I could say as much for myself.

Why are you the best dream I had?
Also the worst nightmare?
Always leaving me in the end.

Missing your face,
Your touch,
The way you made me feel.

This wreckage you left behind means nothing to you.
Just a pile of ash,
Ash that does nothing but stain.

How could we be friends?
When in the end I was only a toy left forgotten when something newer came to your eye?

Just leave me,
Leave my memories,
Leave me to feel broken and clean up the pieces of me.

To mend my broken heart,
Is that to much to ask?
Will this train wreck never end?