Monday, March 8, 2010

Update which sucks.

- At the moment I am sitting at Justin's house watching Family guy because everyone knows it is amazing.

Song listening to right now:'S.O.S. (Anything But Love)feat. Apocalyptica feat. Cristina Scabbia.

Number of books read: 273
Book I am reading Currently:None, for the first time in my life I am not in the middle of a book.

So I haven't written a blog in almost a year. My life has yet to be very eventful so not much to update people on.

So since my last blog I wrote I was moving in with my total asshole of a boyfriend. Well I am now back at home because I finally realized I couldn't take it anymore and left him.

Which brings me to say: If a guy ever hits you? Beat the fuck outta him. I promise in the end the busted knuckles are very worth it.

After I moved out I got into a car accident in which I totaled my car and am not immobile. Not having a car makes finding a job heard. Which brings me to another issue in my life. No job... I am living in a camper with no money and no car. Doesn't my life look just peachy? lol

Oh well I am alive and that is all that matters.

But back to leaving Josh.... Everyone saw that coming. I wasn't even surprised when it happened. Word to the wise man who ever wants a relationship with me; You hit me, I will almost kill you. Or black out doing so. Leaving him went into a issue with him not wanting to leave me alone, It was so bad I almost got a restraining order.

After a few issues with men I met Eric... Now that was the biggest mistake of my life. And the man who made all my trust issues 2 times worse, it really sucks. Broke my heart and caused me to become a total bitch.

Well... Worse than I already am.

I wrote a little thing. No idea what you would call it, just random thoughts thrown out there. So I figured it would explain a lot of my mind set. Enjoy :P

When you feel like giving up.

No one warned you life would be hard.
Neither did they explain the hurt that comes from it.
Giving it all up sometimes seems like a good idea.
Just waking up and acting as things never happened.

The pain will never go away,
Yes it will fade slowly with time.
But you never want to hide it inside.
Someday it will be unnoticeable,
But never forgotten.

Sometimes things don't seem worth the pain,
But if you sit down.
For just one moment.
You will see that somethings are just worth the risk.

Life is full of mistakes,
And it is full of surprises too.
Never look back and regret it.
Because life will work out in the end if you want it bad enough.

Everything happens for a reason.

I have made my mistakes,
I have done my wrongs.
But I know everything will work out for me.
But only if I believe in it hard enough.

I know you don't understand most of this.
But life will not always be so bad.
It took me 19 years to sit down and figure this out.
Now all I can do is wait.

In my past there has been love,
And I have lost.
Hate, replaced with peace.
And a few heartbreaks.

Lost a few friends,
But also gained more than before.
Learned life Lessons.
And looking forward to the next stop in life.

When you feel like giving up.
Just remember.
The grass is always greener on the other side.
You just gotta work to get there, It won't come to you.

-So to end this blog I say thanks for reading. If I don't keep up my blog like I should... Just call and bitch me out. That seems to work pretty well in the motivating department. Thanks for telling me to get to it Roy :P

Love, Hate, and all in between,


RoyMayberry said...

Haha you're welcome! :P
yay i can comment now!

273 books read?! that's a lot of books.